green spring

Garden Gate Plant Shop

The Plant Shop is OPEN


Plant Shop Hours
April through mid-October (seasonal)
Mon-Sat 9:30 am-3:30 pm, Sun 12 noon-3:30 pm

It's always the perfect time to add some color and interest to your garden! The Plant Shop specializes in plants that do well in local growing conditions and offers many plants featured in Green Spring’s demonstration gardens. Choose from a nice selection of shrubs, native plants, perennials, and annuals.

Come back often, as the plant selection will change and expand throughout the growing season!

The Garden Gate Plant Shop is located next to the Visitor Center, please inquire at the visitor desk if you are not sure where to find it. Directions to Green Spring are on our Contact Us webpage.

Discount for FROGS Members

reminder iconRemember to mention your FROGS membership to receive a 10% discount on plant shop purchases. (Excludes on-sale items)

Not a member? Join FROGS today!

Garden Gate Plant Shop purchases are a sustainable investment!
The funds generated from your purchases go directly to the Friends of Green Spring (FROGS) and are then budgeted to restock and enhance the gardens. Did you know that plant purchases for the display gardens are almost entirely supported by the generosity of FROGS and other donors?

'The Garden Gate Plant Shop started in the 1990s as a card table sized operation to sell surplus rock garden plants...Over the past 10 years, sales have doubled, growing to just over $50,000 gross revenue by the end of 2014. More than 6,100 plants were sold. That's a lot of garden and window sill enhancement!'
—Excerpt, Manager's Message from Mary Olien, FROGS Gardenline newsletter, Summer 2014

Shop the Green Spring Gardens Garden Gift Shop

The Garden Gift Shop, located in the Horticulture Center, offers a broad selection of horticulture and nature books, t-shirts, and other gardening-themed gifts. Garden-inspired fashion accessories, decorative arts, home décor, and cards also are available..

reminder iconRemember to mention your FROGS membership to receive a 10% discount on gift shop purchases.


Your purchases at the FROGS Garden Gate Plant Shop and Garden Gift Shop help buy plants and supplies for the Green Spring Gardens!


The plant shop typically carries plants particularly suited to conditions in Virginia, including sun and shade-loving perennials, shrubs, trees, alpines, waterwise varieties, herbs, conifers, and more. Check our FROGS Facebook page for more timely information throughout the year. 

Discount for FROGS Members: FROGS members always receive a 10% discount off plant and gift shop purchases every day! (Excludes on-sale items)

The Garden Gate Plant Shop is located next to the Visitor Center, please inquire at the visitor desk if you are not sure where to find it. Directions to Green Spring are on our Contact Us webpage.

'The Garden Gate Plant Shop started in the 1990s as a card table sized operation to sell surplus rock garden plants...Over the past 10 years, sales have doubled, growing to just over $50,000 gross revenue by the end of 2014. More than 6,100 plants were sold. That's a lot of garden and window sill enhancement!'
—Excerpt, Manager's Message from Mary Olien, FROGS Gardenline newsletter, Summer 2014